Sunday, April 28, 2013


The Breakfast Club, una gran película, muy representativa de los 80's. Cada personaje lleva una personalidad completamente diferente y por lo tanto un estilo personal adecuado a su persona. 

Los siguientes collages representan los diferentes estilos de los 80's, donde existían cantidad impresionante de estilos, pero todos unidos de alguna forma. :

Brooke Shields

  • Hot Pants
  • Terciopelo en colores brillantes
  • Oversized blazers
  • Overalls 

Princesa Diana
  • Hombreras
  • Big-short hair
  • Sombreros 


  • Animal print
  • Puffy sleeves
  • Lentejuelas

 Grace Jones

  • Cuero
  • Animal print
  • Leggings

  • Big Hair
  • Labios rojos
  • Mesh Tshirts
  • Cruces

Miami Vice

  • Sleeveless tshirts
  • Color block
  • Tshirts con traje
  • Double breasted suit

 Michael Jackson

  • Color block
  • diamantina/lentejuelas
  • cuero
  • Hombreras
  • Sport Jacket


  • Graphic T shirts
  • Pantalones de cuero
  • Big Hair
  • Animal print
  • Jeans+ Chamarra de cuero

 Hip Hop

  • Ethnic prints
  • Bling Bling
  • Afros
  • Layers
  • Colores brillantes

 Ray Bans

Tina Turner

  • BIG hair
  • maquillaje exagerado (sombras de colores)
  • Chamarra de jeans
  • Telas brillantes

Thursday, April 18, 2013


Ohh the 90's, a time of confusion in my opinion. We weren't the classic 50's, or the rebel 60's... we weren't hippies, or trying the newness of latex and shoulder pads  Music was blooming, in all its directions; hip-hop and rap were everywhere. glam-rock and new age, brit pop and all it's teen bands, punk rock and grunge, indie rock, all kinds of electronic genras. We had started our segregation, we wanted a personal style and were eager to find it (no matter how extravagant of horrendous that might've been ). We started to reject the norm, in a different way than during the 70's.It wasn't about peace or equality, this was all about finding ourselves and differentiating in every way possible from our parents. There were skaters, punks, hippies, preppy's (Clueless? ), there was grunge, hip- hop, metal... there was EVERYTHING. So weather or not you might think of the 90's as the worst decade regarding fashion, it was surely the last decade where we made something new, from then on, everything has ben a repetition.